Studio Policies and General Information
Welcome to MusicBoxx Education! In this outline you will find information about procedures and policies of the studio and related topics. Please take a few moments to carefully review the contents of this page.
My resumé is up to date, and contains information regarding my education, teaching experience, professional activities, performance experience and other information pertaining to my entire musical background.
Music is a language, and like any language, there are many basics, which must be mastered prior to advancing to more complex applications. During a course of study, I attempt to cover all areas of musicianship: theory, technique, formal analysis, harmony, ear training, performance, and a basic comprehensive study of musical literature. For those sitting the CXC Music Examination, these areas will be in relation to the CXC Music Syllabus. I truly feel that a well-rounded musical education helps students define for themselves, the value of music.
Please bear in mind that no two persons are exactly alike, and learn at different rates of speed. Even brothers and sisters within families differ radically in motivation and temperament. Therefore, I approach students as individuals and attempt to challenge each according to their own unique potential. Music is not easy, and may not always be "fun". However, given sufficient time and structured practice, it does become enjoyable to master the many different aspects of this art.
The registration fee for all course is $175 TTD. This fee is to be paid, on or before the first day of class.
Late registration is $200.00 TTD.
Instrument Rental
Students enrolled in Instrumental courses are allowed the fecility of renting instruments for classes. This is made available to students who do not own an instrument.
The rental & maintainance fee per term is $200.00 TTD
Students who have personal instruments MUST attend all classes with their instruments.
There are certain guidelines to which I strictly adhere regarding missed lessons, the billing process and late fees. These guidelines are consistently maintained, and cannot be altered as they allow the business portion of music instruction to flow smoothly and equitably. Please go to the Schedule a Class page
to view the prices of offered courses.
These fees reserve a weekly time slot which works like rent one would pay for an apartment. These are flat fees to reserve your, (or your child's), weekly time for lessons, whether you choose to attend or miss. All fees and payments for books/materials are to be paid in CASH ONLY and in advance. All cheques are payable to Vanessa Headley.
The studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for a student's absence(s). Monthly rates are flat fees, and shall not be lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. "Make-ups" simply are not possible. Please bear in mind that some months contain an extra week for which there is no additional charge. It is highly recommended that you attend regularly during these months in order for you to compensate for absence(s) you may incur during the year.
If, for some reason, a lesson must be missed, please notify me at least one week (or not less than 24 hours if possible) in advance. Please be certain to do so by telephone
as e-mail is not always reliable.
If a student and/or parent should decide to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a TWO-WEEK WRITTEN NOTICE. Such notice must be delivered to me (Vanessa Headley) personally. The studio will not accept/recognize e-mails nor telephone messages as documentation for said notice. Regardless of when appropriate notice is given, such student/parent shall be financially responsible for the following two weeks/lessons, whether the student/parent
chooses to attend or be absent.
For those of you enrolled in a Monthly Paid course, fees are due in
no later than the 10th of each month. You will receive a receipt at the time of payment. If you drop by to pay, and I am not there, please make the payment upstairs by Mrs. Hills. She will give you a yellow and a white copy of your receipt on my behalf. Kindly place in the yellow receipt in the locked drop box by the studio entrance. PLEASE BE SURE TO REMIT BY THE 10TH. It is necessary to ensure that these payments are received on time. Therefore a $25.00 late fee shall be assessed for any payments received after the 10th of each month. This late charge would best be paid at the time that the month's fee is remitted, or it will be added to the following month's total.
For those of you enrolled in a Sibelius Tutorial, fees are to be paid
between the dates specified for registration. You will receive a receipt at the time of payment. A late registration fee will be incurred if payment is made after the registration time frame.
For those of you enrolled in a Pay per Session course, fees are to be paid
before the session begins.
You will receive a receipt by the end of the session.
Any and all electronic devices must be turned off before entering the music studio. Such gadgets are extremely disruptive/distracting to students and myself.
Regular attendance of lessons is an issue of responsibility and choice on the part of students. Again, the studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for student's absence(s) due to illness, weather, etc. The studio shall, however, assume financial responsibility should I (Vanessa Headley) become ill, be out of the country, or cancel for any reason. The month's regular fee will then be reduced by that particular amount unless the Instructor arranges make-up classes for those cancelled sessions.
The studio will be open for lessons on National holidays except Independence Day,Boxing Day, Christmas, Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. If you will be gone on a national holiday, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may adjust my teaching schedule to better accommodate those who will be here. Again, please bear in mind that there are no "make-ups" or rate reductions for those choosing to be absent on National holidays.
VACATION MONTHS Music lessons continue as usual up to the end of July. August is a break and classes resume the first week of September. If you will be away at any time during the vacation, please let me know well in advance so that I may adjust my teaching schedule.
When the need arises, the studio shall determine which music books and supplies should be purchased. Some music orders will require shipping, and may take some time. If any music needs to be ordered at the studio's expense, the studio needs to be reimbursed upon arrival of the music in order to prevent late charges.
For students enrolling in the CXC Music or Music Theory courses, a student website is requisite. All assignments and lesson notes will be posted on their personal website. All students under the age og 18 years will receive a consent form which their parents/guardians will have to sign sacntioning Internet activity. Each student’s website will be continually monitored and upgraded with the necessary pages, lesson notes etc. the respective instructor. Parental perusal is encouraged as well. These websites will remain PRIVATE and therefore password protected. Accounts will be removed from the web on completion of the respective course of study.
Sufficient scheduled practice time on a daily basis is the surest guarantee that you, (or your child), will experience consistent progress at steelpan lessons. Learning the necessary skills to become proficient at the steelpan will not occur by simply going to music lessons. It takes committed practice on a daily basis during the week
to put skills covered at the lesson into motion.
Support is an extremely important factor in musical training. Children whose parents take an active and honest interest in their child's progress tend to be more enthusiastic and productive. Adults often take for granted that children are rarely self-motivated and lack the maturity (and self-discipline) to put in that all-important practice session. I strongly urge a parent to take keen interest in the weekly lesson(s) and assignments.
As for the more mature students, a positive support system
is always a plus when embarking on a new journey. Keep motivators close.
As mentioned before: music is not easy and can, at times, become frustrating. With commitment to learning the art of music comes the decision to practice on a regular basis. Consistent progress results in pride, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment!
Although this is a private music studio, and is not affiliated with any school district, it is no less an educational institution and must be regarded as such. It is the position of this studio that music lessons are to be treated with the same level of importance as any other subject (in the case of those attending school). It is also the position of this music studio that sporting events and other extracurricular activities are not considered valid excuses for not practicing or completing assignments during the week. As an instructor of music, I would no more accept this reasoning than any other teacher at an educational institution. Sports and music may not always be mutually compatible, but need not be mutually exclusive. Please respect my curriculum and my commitment to my students' musical education by maintaining a priority level for music studies equal to that of other school subjects. Regard it as a "private extension" of academics that would otherwise be unavailable to you (or your child).
During the year, several performance opportunities are made available to qualified students through Golden Hands. These events provide further incentive to practice and excel, and can have a positive effect on a student's sense of accomplishment. Recitals build confidence and reinforce the concept that good practice habits result in good musicians.
Please do not park iin front of the gateway or any of my neighbors' for any reason.
The music studio is part of my private residence, and must always be regarded and respected as such. Please do your part to maintain the premises for the sanctity of my home.
Feel free to enjoy the sitting area under the mango tree before or during lessons if the weather is nice. If someone is waiting for you, or in the case of
parents waiting for their chidren, the sitting area is an ideal location to read, relax, etc.
Again, all I ask is that you respect the premises.
Obviously the disposal of gum and other debris on the premises is not acceptable. Please take your disposables of this sort with you.
Remember, the studio is an extension of my private residence and must be regarded (and respected) as such. Please remove your shoes (check them before entering) during rainy weather or if they are dirty/muddy/gross underneath.
No food or drink (except water) is allowed in the studio!
Please take personal responsibility to uphold this directive as it is very uncomfortable for me to have to continually remind people of this. If in doubt, don't bring it in...
As a music instructor, I support and care for all of my students and their families in a very special way. One-to-one education is very concentrated, and the bond between teacher and student can grow quite strong. Nevertheless, the studio reserves the right to terminate a student's lessons for the following infractions:
1. Inappropriate behavior toward me on the part of the student. This includes violent outlashings, swearing, defamation of character, unacceptable advances or any other displays, which fall outside the realm of common respect and decency.
2. Inappropriate behavior toward me on the part of a child's parent(s). This includes all of the above.
3. Attendance at lessons in any type of intoxicated state.
4. Failure to pay monthly lessons in full.
If you should arrive early for your scheduled lesson time, please wait until no earlier than five minutes before your scheduled time before entering the studio.
5. Lesson time must remain as focused as possible.
If you have any questions, please call my studio at 1-868-729-3650 at any time. An answering machine is on 24/7, and this number does not ring my private mobile. Simply leave a message-I'll return your call at my earliest convenience.
Thank you for taking the time to read and understand what I expect from my students, their families and myself. I look forward to our musical journey together!
My resumé is up to date, and contains information regarding my education, teaching experience, professional activities, performance experience and other information pertaining to my entire musical background.
Music is a language, and like any language, there are many basics, which must be mastered prior to advancing to more complex applications. During a course of study, I attempt to cover all areas of musicianship: theory, technique, formal analysis, harmony, ear training, performance, and a basic comprehensive study of musical literature. For those sitting the CXC Music Examination, these areas will be in relation to the CXC Music Syllabus. I truly feel that a well-rounded musical education helps students define for themselves, the value of music.
Please bear in mind that no two persons are exactly alike, and learn at different rates of speed. Even brothers and sisters within families differ radically in motivation and temperament. Therefore, I approach students as individuals and attempt to challenge each according to their own unique potential. Music is not easy, and may not always be "fun". However, given sufficient time and structured practice, it does become enjoyable to master the many different aspects of this art.
The registration fee for all course is $175 TTD. This fee is to be paid, on or before the first day of class.
Late registration is $200.00 TTD.
Instrument Rental
Students enrolled in Instrumental courses are allowed the fecility of renting instruments for classes. This is made available to students who do not own an instrument.
The rental & maintainance fee per term is $200.00 TTD
Students who have personal instruments MUST attend all classes with their instruments.
There are certain guidelines to which I strictly adhere regarding missed lessons, the billing process and late fees. These guidelines are consistently maintained, and cannot be altered as they allow the business portion of music instruction to flow smoothly and equitably. Please go to the Schedule a Class page
to view the prices of offered courses.
These fees reserve a weekly time slot which works like rent one would pay for an apartment. These are flat fees to reserve your, (or your child's), weekly time for lessons, whether you choose to attend or miss. All fees and payments for books/materials are to be paid in CASH ONLY and in advance. All cheques are payable to Vanessa Headley.
The studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for a student's absence(s). Monthly rates are flat fees, and shall not be lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. "Make-ups" simply are not possible. Please bear in mind that some months contain an extra week for which there is no additional charge. It is highly recommended that you attend regularly during these months in order for you to compensate for absence(s) you may incur during the year.
If, for some reason, a lesson must be missed, please notify me at least one week (or not less than 24 hours if possible) in advance. Please be certain to do so by telephone
as e-mail is not always reliable.
If a student and/or parent should decide to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a TWO-WEEK WRITTEN NOTICE. Such notice must be delivered to me (Vanessa Headley) personally. The studio will not accept/recognize e-mails nor telephone messages as documentation for said notice. Regardless of when appropriate notice is given, such student/parent shall be financially responsible for the following two weeks/lessons, whether the student/parent
chooses to attend or be absent.
For those of you enrolled in a Monthly Paid course, fees are due in
no later than the 10th of each month. You will receive a receipt at the time of payment. If you drop by to pay, and I am not there, please make the payment upstairs by Mrs. Hills. She will give you a yellow and a white copy of your receipt on my behalf. Kindly place in the yellow receipt in the locked drop box by the studio entrance. PLEASE BE SURE TO REMIT BY THE 10TH. It is necessary to ensure that these payments are received on time. Therefore a $25.00 late fee shall be assessed for any payments received after the 10th of each month. This late charge would best be paid at the time that the month's fee is remitted, or it will be added to the following month's total.
For those of you enrolled in a Sibelius Tutorial, fees are to be paid
between the dates specified for registration. You will receive a receipt at the time of payment. A late registration fee will be incurred if payment is made after the registration time frame.
For those of you enrolled in a Pay per Session course, fees are to be paid
before the session begins.
You will receive a receipt by the end of the session.
Any and all electronic devices must be turned off before entering the music studio. Such gadgets are extremely disruptive/distracting to students and myself.
Regular attendance of lessons is an issue of responsibility and choice on the part of students. Again, the studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for student's absence(s) due to illness, weather, etc. The studio shall, however, assume financial responsibility should I (Vanessa Headley) become ill, be out of the country, or cancel for any reason. The month's regular fee will then be reduced by that particular amount unless the Instructor arranges make-up classes for those cancelled sessions.
The studio will be open for lessons on National holidays except Independence Day,Boxing Day, Christmas, Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. If you will be gone on a national holiday, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may adjust my teaching schedule to better accommodate those who will be here. Again, please bear in mind that there are no "make-ups" or rate reductions for those choosing to be absent on National holidays.
VACATION MONTHS Music lessons continue as usual up to the end of July. August is a break and classes resume the first week of September. If you will be away at any time during the vacation, please let me know well in advance so that I may adjust my teaching schedule.
When the need arises, the studio shall determine which music books and supplies should be purchased. Some music orders will require shipping, and may take some time. If any music needs to be ordered at the studio's expense, the studio needs to be reimbursed upon arrival of the music in order to prevent late charges.
For students enrolling in the CXC Music or Music Theory courses, a student website is requisite. All assignments and lesson notes will be posted on their personal website. All students under the age og 18 years will receive a consent form which their parents/guardians will have to sign sacntioning Internet activity. Each student’s website will be continually monitored and upgraded with the necessary pages, lesson notes etc. the respective instructor. Parental perusal is encouraged as well. These websites will remain PRIVATE and therefore password protected. Accounts will be removed from the web on completion of the respective course of study.
Sufficient scheduled practice time on a daily basis is the surest guarantee that you, (or your child), will experience consistent progress at steelpan lessons. Learning the necessary skills to become proficient at the steelpan will not occur by simply going to music lessons. It takes committed practice on a daily basis during the week
to put skills covered at the lesson into motion.
Support is an extremely important factor in musical training. Children whose parents take an active and honest interest in their child's progress tend to be more enthusiastic and productive. Adults often take for granted that children are rarely self-motivated and lack the maturity (and self-discipline) to put in that all-important practice session. I strongly urge a parent to take keen interest in the weekly lesson(s) and assignments.
As for the more mature students, a positive support system
is always a plus when embarking on a new journey. Keep motivators close.
As mentioned before: music is not easy and can, at times, become frustrating. With commitment to learning the art of music comes the decision to practice on a regular basis. Consistent progress results in pride, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment!
Although this is a private music studio, and is not affiliated with any school district, it is no less an educational institution and must be regarded as such. It is the position of this studio that music lessons are to be treated with the same level of importance as any other subject (in the case of those attending school). It is also the position of this music studio that sporting events and other extracurricular activities are not considered valid excuses for not practicing or completing assignments during the week. As an instructor of music, I would no more accept this reasoning than any other teacher at an educational institution. Sports and music may not always be mutually compatible, but need not be mutually exclusive. Please respect my curriculum and my commitment to my students' musical education by maintaining a priority level for music studies equal to that of other school subjects. Regard it as a "private extension" of academics that would otherwise be unavailable to you (or your child).
During the year, several performance opportunities are made available to qualified students through Golden Hands. These events provide further incentive to practice and excel, and can have a positive effect on a student's sense of accomplishment. Recitals build confidence and reinforce the concept that good practice habits result in good musicians.
Please do not park iin front of the gateway or any of my neighbors' for any reason.
The music studio is part of my private residence, and must always be regarded and respected as such. Please do your part to maintain the premises for the sanctity of my home.
Feel free to enjoy the sitting area under the mango tree before or during lessons if the weather is nice. If someone is waiting for you, or in the case of
parents waiting for their chidren, the sitting area is an ideal location to read, relax, etc.
Again, all I ask is that you respect the premises.
Obviously the disposal of gum and other debris on the premises is not acceptable. Please take your disposables of this sort with you.
Remember, the studio is an extension of my private residence and must be regarded (and respected) as such. Please remove your shoes (check them before entering) during rainy weather or if they are dirty/muddy/gross underneath.
No food or drink (except water) is allowed in the studio!
Please take personal responsibility to uphold this directive as it is very uncomfortable for me to have to continually remind people of this. If in doubt, don't bring it in...
As a music instructor, I support and care for all of my students and their families in a very special way. One-to-one education is very concentrated, and the bond between teacher and student can grow quite strong. Nevertheless, the studio reserves the right to terminate a student's lessons for the following infractions:
1. Inappropriate behavior toward me on the part of the student. This includes violent outlashings, swearing, defamation of character, unacceptable advances or any other displays, which fall outside the realm of common respect and decency.
2. Inappropriate behavior toward me on the part of a child's parent(s). This includes all of the above.
3. Attendance at lessons in any type of intoxicated state.
4. Failure to pay monthly lessons in full.
If you should arrive early for your scheduled lesson time, please wait until no earlier than five minutes before your scheduled time before entering the studio.
5. Lesson time must remain as focused as possible.
If you have any questions, please call my studio at 1-868-729-3650 at any time. An answering machine is on 24/7, and this number does not ring my private mobile. Simply leave a message-I'll return your call at my earliest convenience.
Thank you for taking the time to read and understand what I expect from my students, their families and myself. I look forward to our musical journey together!